Q1: How do I purchase courses from this site?
A1: To purchase courses from this site, simply follow these easy steps:
Q2: Once I purchase a course, where do I go to access my purchases?
A2: Once you purchase you can access that course by going to https://courseportal.2leap.com. You will need to use the same email and password you used to create your free user account above.
Q3: If I forget my password, how can I reset it?
A3: To reset your password, go to https://courseportal.2leap.com and click ‘I can’t access my account’.
You can then input your registered email to request a new password.
It is important that you wait to receive the new password before requesting any other passwords. Check your email including spam folders for your new password in a few minutes.
Q4: How do I contact the course creator or instructor?
A4: Click the 'CONTACT US' link at the top of the page.
Complete the contact form and the course creator will contact you.
Q5: How does eLeaP treat multi-user licenses purchased for ecommerce courses? How can my clients be able to continue to allocate licenses during the purchase period and beyond. Is there a license expiration date? How do I prevent abuse of my licenses?
License usage time:
This is the amount of time the buyer has to use or assign licenses and it is one year (1 year). We put this limit so people don’t keep licenses over many years. The license usage time is not linked to the deadline or course expiration date.
During this period, a buyer can “unassign” a user and assign the course to another if the initial one has not accessed the course.
Expiry date or deadline date:
This is controlled by the seller. The seller sets the course deadline from the course details page:
Actual Example - a practical case:
A client buys 100 licenses (on August 3rd, 2011) with 1 year relative expiration deadline. The client assigns 20 licenses today and the users will be able to access the course still 3 August 2012. There 80 unassigned licenses left.
Next month, the client re-assigns 3 licenses (that means the assigned users have not previously accessed the purchased course) and assigns 30 new licenses. So those 33 will be able to access course until September 2012. There are 50 unassigned licenses left.
A year from now, in June 2012, the buyer assigns 40 new licenses. These users will be able to access the course till June 2013. At this point, there are 10 unassigned licenses left.
These remaining 10 unassigned licenses won’t be be able to be assigned after 3 August 2012 because the course license date has expired (1 year after it was purchased).
Q6: What if I have additional questions.
A6: You can contact eLeaP Support at http://support.eleapsoftware.com
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